[Fencer] (1906), detail. Georges Demeny. Metropolitan Museum of Art Collections. Public Domain.
Thinking Through Touch
for Performance Philosophy 2017
Academy of the Performing Arts, Prague
25 June 2017
Combining the modes of lecture and performance, this panel unites three approaches to touch, from the perspectives of sound poetry, dance, and music, exploring the tactile as an integral mode of art and research. Presented as an integrated trialogue, we interweave performances with reflections on text, sound, and movement. The presentations correspond to three nesting registers of touch, from instrumentation as an extension of the musician’s touch, to a poetics of the body in space, to voice as a primary touch that both precedes and advances the subject-object distinction. In this way, the topics suggestively contact each other, ‘touching upon’ a common theme with different means and emphases.
Naomi Woo, piano
Sasha Amaya, dance
Cam Scott, poetry and sound art
with dancers
Fine Brendtner
Nora Tormann